Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I guess being a shorty does have it's benefits!!

We all know someone like this.....chill the eff out!
Ain't that the truth...the most annoying thing I see, sorry but come on!!! No one cares!
Dudes...I would totally rock these out on a daily basis....why didn't I think of this?!!!!!  
I'm a shorty....and ya know what?  This doesn't sound bad at all, ha!!!!  Eat your heart out supermodels!

Short and sweet today!!!  

Love ya's
Dinah xo


  1. great ones!

    Hope you have time to visit my blog and maybe enter my chicnova.com giveaway! Thanks!
    Just Tututiny

  2. That second ecard..haha story of my life. Seriously? Why do people care if you went for a jog or to walmart at 1 am? I wonder if people like their status just because it's so stupid?
    And oh-em-gee those rock tee dresses! LOVE! I could wear something like that and still feel girly enough for my liking haha cuz everytime I try to be "badass" it fails miserably. It's just not me.

  3. Is that last fact really true? If it is, awesome!

    7% Solution​

  4. These are great and I totally repinned the last one! It makes me happy I am short!


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