Monday, July 7, 2014

I am an extrovert....with a little kinks

Hey friends!

I have been thinking about the differences lately in people and whether or not they are truly just an extrovert or an introvert.  I truly believe most people are not just one or the other.  I know that since I am mostly a people person I sense that a lot of people have kinks.  I do, and let me explain what I mean by this.

I am by nature a highly extroverted person.  I thrive on my friendships and being around my friends and family.  I love to get to know new people and develop friendships with like minded people like myself. I also cherish my friendships where my friends are true to themselves and if they are more introverted I could care less.  I adore them in fact.  The kinks that I have are that I am a highly extroverted person with an introverted twist.  After I spend time with the people that I love and meeting new friends I have to have time "alone" to decompress.  I could almost be a hermit for a couple days and not communicate with anyone.  Now that I am a mother that is entirely impossible.  Before my hubster and I had our daughter, I always needed time alone.  I would either go for a drive by myself, or read in my room for hours.  If he wanted to go golfing or mountain biking I would get excited because I knew I would be getting time alone to just "be".  I think now since I stay at home with my baby girl my idea of decompressing is just being at home with her and when she naps, I nap.  The time where I feed her is actually highly decompressing.  When she looks up at me and eats it fills my tank up so to speak.  After some time with her and my husband I am ready to get back out there and be my social self.  I think people should embrace their kinks and own up to it if anyone ever questions it.  Who cares if you want to cover yourself up with a blanket and not come out for days, I love you anyway.  Who cares if you want to have a dance party with hundreds of people every day and not calm down...I love you anyway, but I would have to bow out and have some time alone, HAHA!!!  

I think my point is this,  please just be what you want and own up to your kinks.  But I also truly believe when you surround yourself with the ones you love and also bringing in new people in the mix it is quite refreshing.  My loved ones who know me know that I love to have a good time, laugh, socialize and have fun.  If I was at a social event and someone in the room was quiet and shy, I would do my best to welcome them and open them up.  We are all people with kinks.  Embrace them!

So go on with your bad ace self and either sit in on your couch and watch tv, or go to da club and dance your booty off.  I love ya!!


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